Roasted Garlic (52 New Foods, Around the World Week 11) March 18 2013, 12 Comments

roasted garlic

The subtle flavor of roasted garlic was an eye-opener for my picky eater.

When I think of Italian cooking, I think of garlic. The distinct smell of it simmering in the pan transports me back to my Gram’s house and I find myself longing for a taste of one of her homemade dishes. In my mind, our 52 New Foods adventure in Italy wouldn’t be complete without a close encounter with this quintessentially Italian ingredient.

But for many kids, particularly picky eaters, the taste of garlic can be overwhelming. The solution? Roast it! One of my favorite dishes that Gram used to make was garlic bread with real roasted garlic. Roasting those little white bulbs, with a touch of olive oil, transforms them into an incredible soothing and almost sweet spread that is perfect for lavishing on a crusty Italian loaf. Add a few sautéed mushrooms for even more deliciousness.

What we Liked: Letting my daughter Catherine take the lead on making this dish was the key to getting her to like it. I call her our “super sensor.” She experiences touch, taste and smell in a much more intense way than I do. This project was absolutely perfect for her. First, peeling and picking off the flakey layers of the garlic bulbs, then using her fingers to massage a little olive oil into the garlic, and finally, enjoying the unexpected and wonderful surprise of a soft and delicious flavor instead of the sharpness that she normally associates with the smell of garlic. Mission accomplished!   

Roasted Garlic

Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Yield: Makes 6 heads
Crunch a Color points: 15 White


roasted garlic ingredients

6 heads of garlic
1 Tbsp olive oil


1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

2. Peel away the flakey outer layers of the garlic bulb, but leave the cloves in tact.

roasted garlic step 1

2. Cut off ¼” to ½” of the tops of the bulbs, exposing the inner cloves.

roasted garlic step 2

roasted garlic step 2b

3. Place the garlic bulbs on a baking sheet or in a muffin tin. Drizzle with a bit of olive oil, then massage the oil into the cloves with your fingers.

roasted garlic step 3

roasted garlic step 3b

4. Cover with aluminum foil and bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until the cloves are soft when pressed. Allow the garlic to cool, then spread on a crusty, whole grain roll to make garlic bread.

roasted garlic pinterest

* What is your favorite way to use roasted garlic? Share your ideas!  

Craving more easy recipes to try? Catch up on last week’s new food: Italian Style Homemade Chicken Soup.

About the author: Jennifer Tyler Lee is a mom of two children and the creator of Crunch a Color® -- award-winning nutrition games that make healthy eating fun. Like most parents, she struggled to get her kids to eat healthy, balanced meals, so she decided to make it into a healthy eating game and she’s giving back to support non-profit kids’ nutrition programs. Winner of the Dr. Toy and Parent Tested, Parent Approved awards, Crunch a Color® has been featured by Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, Rachael Ray's Yum-O!, Laurie David’s Family Dinner, Kiwi Magazine, Dr. Greene, and Yum Food & Fun For Kids, among many others, as a simple, fun and playful way to get kids to eat healthy and try new foods. Jennifer’s passion is making mealtime fun and healthy for busy families. Her easy recipes, quick tips, and new food adventures are regularly featured at Pottery Barn Kids, Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, The Huffington Post, and on her weekly recipe blog at