Drink Water! 100 Ways to Hydrate May 03 2014, 39 Comments

drink water

Let's make it cool to drink water!

Sugar sweetened beverages, like soda and juice, are some of the leading culprits in the obesity epidemic. Loaded with sugar (up to 10 teaspoons in some cases) and bolstered by hefty marketing budgets, they meet kids at eye level at every turn. So how do you get kids to drink water when they are constantly surrounded with the sweet stuff? The answer lies in making water every bit as enticing as soda.

That’s where I need your help.

I’m on a mission to build a list of 100 Ways to Hydrate. I know you parents are crafty. You’ve got clever solutions that work at your table. So let’s band together, share ideas, and give water a makeover. Let’s make it cool to drink water!

Add your comments, link to ideas you love, share pictures and tips from your family table on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram. Help us get to 100 fun ideas for how to hydrate!

Ready to get started? Here’s idea #1: Color Coolers.

A mother of two, Jennifer Tyler Lee is the author of The 52 New Foods Challenge (Penguin Random House/Avery 2014) and the creator of the award-winning healthy eating game, Crunch a Color®. Her family cooking adventures have been featured at Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, Rachael Ray’s Yum-O!, Laurie David’s Family Dinner, Pottery Barn Kids, and Whole Foods Markets. She is a featured blogger at The Huffington Post and the James Beard award-winning magazine, Edible.